What is Permanent Total Disability Compensation?

by Andrew Bainbridge | Nov 21, 2013 | Workers' Compensation Benefits

Permanent Total Disability is defined by the Ohio Administrative Code as “the inability to perform sustained remunerative employment due to the allowed conditions in the claim.” O.A.C. §4121-3-34(B)(1). This simply means that an injured worker is considered permanently and totally disabled when he or she is incapable of performing a financially rewarding employment position as a result of the allowed conditions in the injured workers’ claim. The Industrial Commission looks at the injured workers’ residual functional physical limitations, psychological limitations, as well as any non-medical disability factors, in awarding permanent total disability compensation.

The purpose of permanent total disability compensation is to compensate the injured worker for the impairment to his or her earning capacity, due to the injured workers’ work related injury. In addition, permanent total disability compensation is a benefit that is held for life by the injured worker recipient.

Tags: compensation Permanent Disability permanent total disability