Andrew Bainbridge

WHAT IS AT-WILL EMPLOYMENT? The “At-Will Employment” Doctrine is the starting point for any wrongful termination claim.  If you are…

As Ohio workers compensation lawyers, one of the most common things we hear from clients is concern that they may…

Are My Worker’s Compensation Benefits Taxable?

Are my workers’ compensation benefits taxable? Every year, Americans fight their way back from injury and sickness. Then they must…

Uncovered Employer

Am I covered if My Emplyer isn’t? | The Bainbridge Firm Many injured workers have questions about how their workers’…

Understanding Workers’ Compensation Claims and What You Need to Do to Pursue Your Claim: After getting hurt on the job,…

In the state of Ohio, an employer with even just one employee must carry workers compensation insurance. This insurance provides cash assistance to employees who were injured on the job or while on the job outside of a work setting, but in a work context.

Obesity can complicate workplace injuries, workers’ comp claims

We all know that obesity is a serious health problem, but millions of people in Ohio and throughout the U.S….

World Series winner: Trying to get SSD benefits has been tougher

Whether you’re a baseball fan or not — and whether or not you love the Yankees — Brian Doyle’s story…

How chronic pain can affect your ability to work

If you’ve ever suffered a serious or catastrophic injury because of your job, then you know how long the healing…

JobsOhio, holding $261 million, gets fiscal-health OK

JobsOhio ended its 2013-14 fiscal year with a bumper crop of $261 million in cash and investments on hand –…