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How does Ohio Workers’ Compensation work if I live in a Different State?


Many injured workers have questions about how their Ohio workers’ compensation claim will be impacted if they live and work in a different state. Under Ohio workers’ compensation law, injured workers will remain eligible for benefits regardless of where they live in the United States. While living and working in a different state will not prevent someone from continuing to receive benefits through their Ohio workers’ compensation claim, it is important to understand that living outside of Ohio can make it more difficult to obtain benefits through your claim.

Medical Treatment

In Ohio workers’ compensation claims, injured workers must use health care providers who are certified by the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC). The BWC will not accept or consider diagnoses, treatment plans, or opinions from medical providers who are not certified by the BWC. This means you may need to return to Ohio for treatment and/or required medical examinations if there are no BWC-certified providers in your area. This can be a challenge for injured workers living in neighboring states, but for injured workers living further away, returning to Ohio for treatment or examinations is often impractical or even impossible.

You can search for approved providers in your area by using the BWC’s online “Provider Look-up” tool available here. You will need to contact any local providers you find on this list to find out if they are accepting new patients. Keep in mind, however, that even if you find a local BWC-provider to treat you, you may still have to travel back to Ohio for required medical examinations unless there are BWC-approved examiners in your area as well.

Other Considerations

While it is very important that all injured workers notify the BWC of any changes in their contact information, regardless of where they live, this is particularly important for injured workers who live outside of Ohio. You should inform the BWC of any changes to your address, phone number, or bank account information as early as possible to avoid unnecessary problems in your claim.

You should consider hiring an Ohio workers’ compensation attorney if you do not have one already. An experienced Ohio workers’ compensation attorney can help you navigate your claim, communicate with the BWC on your behalf, and advocate for you at hearings. An experienced attorney will also discuss your settlement options and negotiate the terms of a fair settlement based on the facts and circumstances in your case. Contact the attorneys today at The Bainbridge Firm to discuss your workers’ compensation claim.

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