Reasons a Workers’ Compensation Claim May Be Denied Most people do not plan to be injured on the job. Unfortunately,…

Many injured workers have questions about how their Ohio workers’ compensation claim will be impacted if they live and work…

If you are injured at work, you may be wondering what type of compensation you are entitled to.  Regardless of…

Salary Continuation When an injured worker is entitled to benefits under their claim, an employer is permitted to pay wage…

Ohio workers’ compensation allows for injuries such as occupational diseases and illnesses. This then begs the question: do I have…

Your claim may have been denied because you are missing a small piece of required information or medical support for…

What treatment services require pre-authorization?

The BWC’s MCO standardized prior authorization table Service Prior Authorization Required  No Prior Authorization Required Physical medicine services, including chiropractic/osteopathic…

Back Pain and the Use of Opioids

A tight, burning and stabbing sensation. Muscles spasms and tingling. The feeling of being electrocuted in the same spot repeatedly….

For an injury or illness to be covered in a workers’ compensation claim, must be either a physical injury or…