Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation

Salary Continuation When an injured worker is entitled to benefits under their claim, an employer is permitted to pay wage…

Ohio workers’ compensation allows for injuries such as occupational diseases and illnesses. This then begs the question: do I have…

Under Ohio Law, there are a specific set of safety requirements that employers are required to follow in order to ensure the safety of their employees. These requirements are codified under Ohio Administrative Code Chapter 4123:1. This section of the Ohio Administrative Code provides clear and distinct requirement that employers are obligated to follow. These rules are similar in nature to the rules set by Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

Injured workers don’t need to go at it alone

The Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation is the agency responsible for providing medical and wage replacement benefits to individuals who…

What do I do when I am injured on the job?

  If you are injured on the job, the first thing you should do is notify your employer. This step…