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The Plague on Social Security Disability Claims

Getting approved for Social Security Disability claims are no walk in the park. You would think it would be much easier but the process can be very long and repetitive.

Waiting for a response is the most frustrating part for the representative and even more so for the applicant. In my opinion, this could cause a lack of faith in the staff and the representative.

Once you apply there is about a four (4) month waiting period for an initial determination, if denied it can take up to or even more than two years for a hearing in front of the judge! There are millions of applicants nationwide and only about a third of which are approved.

This makes things really hard on the applicant as well as those who support and help the applicant live their daily lives.

Some changes have been made to have all cases heard timely but there is still a big problem that should be corrected. The application process is in place to help those disabled but currently, the long process seems to hurt more than help.

My recommendation for the Social Security Administration is to remember every application represents a person, and every person deserves to be heard. This could be you or someone you love.

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