- To workers¹ compensation benefits if you sustain a work-related injury or contract an occupational disease;
- To quick access to high-quality health care from any BWC-certified health-care provider you choose;
- To have your approved medical bills paid and not to be billed an additional amount;
- To expect prompt, professional and courteous customer service from all BWC employees;
- To access your records either in person or online;
- To receive timely payments for the allowed conditions in your claim;
- To be considered for all benefits and rehabilitation services for which you may be eligible;
- To a quality independent medical examination when required in your claim;
- To appeal a decision made in your claim to BWC, the MCO or the Industrial Commission;
- To represent yourself or hire a lawyer at your own expense.
The Bureau of Workers’ compensation is set up to help you. For help navigating your claim and with gaining the benefits you deserve, contact The Bainbridge Firm.